Elevate Your Performance: 

Cutting Edge Organizational Assessments

At M4A Consulting, we empower executives to navigate the intricate landscape of organizational strategy and unlock their organization's full potential. Our bespoke services focus on evaluating and enhancing organization maturity, change-readiness, and business identity, enabling you to excel in the ever-evolving business world.

Ideal for M&A due diligence, change management, operational improvement, and strategic planning - our comprehensive assessments and strategic planning facilitation equip you with the insights needed to make informed decisions in dynamic markets.

Discover Our Expertise: 

Our cutting-edge assessment methods evaluate three fundamental areas of your business...

  • Organization Maturity
    • Comprehensive analysis of your organization's current state
    • Pinpoint and prioritize areas for growth and improvement
    • Design a roadmap to achieve advanced maturity levels
    • Score your organization's maturity across 47 critical business principles and functions
  • Change-Readiness
    • Gauge your organization's capacity for adaptation
    • Foster effective change management processes
    • Identify business units and teams with the most capacity and build resiliency to accelerate the flywheel focusing on 5 critical areas: Collaboration, Horizon, Integration, Reliability, Proactivity
    • Measure 51 key aspects of change-readiness
  • Business Identity
    • Refine mission, vision, and values
    • Harmonize strategic goals with your unique identity
    • Enhance leadership decision-making approach
    • Identify the organization's north star, and leadership's decision style, using 16 validated organization Types

Why Partner with Us?

  • In-depth organizational development expertise working with diverse sectors
  • Tailored solutions designed for your organization's needs
  • Cutting-edge cloud-based, secure assessment technology
  • Skilled facilitation and data analysis to drive actionable insights all the way through implementation

Embark on your journey to elevate your organization's performance and secure lasting success with a complimentary consultation.